Boomers & Beyond
A Message from Debbie Purdy…
I am a Boomer and like the majority of Boomers are in denial. Most of us are very active and are still working. However, I think all of us in the back of our minds are thinking about what the future holds for us. Not much different than planning for retirement investments. Retirement is a lifestyle change and we all have a different view of where we see ourselves 5 to 20 years from now.
Not surprisingly, many Boomers agree strongly that they want to stay in their homes for as long as possible. This is what we call AGING IN PLACE. If this is the case you need to prepare for the future NOW, rather than remodel your home in 10 to 20 years. Universal design elements should be implemented in your remodeling project. These features are appealing to young & old; it’s the way things should have been in the first place. One size fits all.
Some Boomers would like to move into another home or area in retirement and are looking for:
• a home that is easier to take care of
• a home near or with family,
• a home out of their current neighborhood
• reduced living expenses
• a warmer climate
If you are thinking about living in a different place after retirement sooner or later the question will probably enter your mind: “Should I live in an active adult community or in a mixed generation (traditional) community”. This is what we call BOOMERS ON THE MOVE. If this is how you see yourself it is time to start doing your research.
Independent or Assisted living facilities? We only think of these terms for our aging parents certainly not for the Boomers. We are in denial; have difficulty accepting the reality of aging and the prospect of increased dependence on others. Today we are very fortunate to have so many wonderful options available for us to enjoy the experience of a new beginning in life. It is never too early to start checking out how this lifestyle will fit into your future. VIP, Vitality, Involvement, Purpose is what this group is all about.
If you can relate to any one of the above stages and would like more information on these topics please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] for a free brochure or call us for a personal and confidential House Call at 770-880-8181. One of our Senior Real Estate Specialists (SRES®) will contact you to help you achieve your much earned lifestyle change for an enjoyable retirement living!
I am a Boomer and like the majority of Boomers are in denial. Most of us are very active and are still working. However, I think all of us in the back of our minds are thinking about what the future holds for us. Not much different than planning for retirement investments. Retirement is a lifestyle change and we all have a different view of where we see ourselves 5 to 20 years from now.
Not surprisingly, many Boomers agree strongly that they want to stay in their homes for as long as possible. This is what we call AGING IN PLACE. If this is the case you need to prepare for the future NOW, rather than remodel your home in 10 to 20 years. Universal design elements should be implemented in your remodeling project. These features are appealing to young & old; it’s the way things should have been in the first place. One size fits all.
Some Boomers would like to move into another home or area in retirement and are looking for:
• a home that is easier to take care of
• a home near or with family,
• a home out of their current neighborhood
• reduced living expenses
• a warmer climate
If you are thinking about living in a different place after retirement sooner or later the question will probably enter your mind: “Should I live in an active adult community or in a mixed generation (traditional) community”. This is what we call BOOMERS ON THE MOVE. If this is how you see yourself it is time to start doing your research.
Independent or Assisted living facilities? We only think of these terms for our aging parents certainly not for the Boomers. We are in denial; have difficulty accepting the reality of aging and the prospect of increased dependence on others. Today we are very fortunate to have so many wonderful options available for us to enjoy the experience of a new beginning in life. It is never too early to start checking out how this lifestyle will fit into your future. VIP, Vitality, Involvement, Purpose is what this group is all about.
If you can relate to any one of the above stages and would like more information on these topics please feel free to e-mail us at [email protected] for a free brochure or call us for a personal and confidential House Call at 770-880-8181. One of our Senior Real Estate Specialists (SRES®) will contact you to help you achieve your much earned lifestyle change for an enjoyable retirement living!